Tuesday 1 May 2007

Tricentenary of the Union, Blink and You'll Miss it!

Today marked the three hundredth anniversary of the stubbing out of Scottish independence and the enforcement of the Act of Union. Not that you would necessarily know it to have walked down practically any street in Scotland today. Noticeable by their absence were the marching bands, fireworks or red arrows fly overs.

The reason for this of course is that on the eve of an election the unionist establishment don't want to remind the people of Scotland that their country was essentially dragged kicking and screaming into a union the people of the time didn't want (or indeed need). They don't want to remind people that there were riots on the streets at the time, lest it focus minds too sharply on the question of the continued usefulness of the union today.

Sadly for them, people are doing this anyway. And as they continue to do so I believe that more and more will come to realise that the union has had its time and outlived any usefulness it may have once served (if it ever did at all) and opt for an independent future for Scotland.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you putting your thoughts out there on the web.

Hope all goes well tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

sincere comisserations on you're defeat. i can't belive that result. vote for you, but didn't make any difference